Lektüregruppe in englischer Sprache
Moderator: Alex Janda (xxx@gmx.de)
Donnerstags, vierzehntägig, 19.30 – 21:00 Uhr
In his magnum opus The Parallax View, Slavoj Žižek offers an overview of his system of thought: in reading Hegel with Lacan, he is far from reaffirming Hegel as a philosopher of "synthesis." On the contrary, the unresolvable Kantian antinomies, which initiate a dialectical movement, are read in line with the Lacanian idea of ‘Alienation’ and ‘Separation’. In this seminar, we focus on Žižek's work in order to approach the stimulating intersections between philosophy and psychoanalysis where each operates as the ex-tim core of the other ‘field of engagement’.
With regard to people without knowledge of German or French, the book is read in English.
Teilnahmegebühr: 5€ pro Seminarsitzung