Reading group in English
Moderator: Alex Janda (xxx@gmx.de)
Thursdays, fortnightly, 7:30pm - 9pm
Next meeting: 4. April 2019
(18.4/ 2.5./ 16.5./ 30.5./ 13.6/ 27.6/ 11.7./ 25.7.)
Moderator: Alex Janda (xxx@gmx.de)
Thursdays, fortnightly, 7:30pm - 9pm
Next meeting: 4. April 2019
(18.4/ 2.5./ 16.5./ 30.5./ 13.6/ 27.6/ 11.7./ 25.7.)
“A parallax shift refers to the apparent motion of an object when it is seen from different perspectives. But what if the observed change is not simply subjective? What if it arises from the object itself and its inherent antagonisms?
– ‘It is the wager of this book that, far from posing an irreducible obstacle to dialectics, the notion of the parallax gap provides the key which enables us to discern its subversive core. To theorize this parallax gap properly is the necessary first step in the rehabilitation of the philosophy of dialectical materialism.’”
In this masterpiece, Slavoj Žižek is far from reasserting Hegel as a thinker of "synthesis", but rather, conceptualizes a new path, vis-a-vis thinking Lacanian psychoanalysis with Hegel. Crucially, it is in the step from Kant to Hegel that Kantian antinomies are conceived as immanent to and of the dialectical process, homologous to the Lacanian movement from ‘Alienation’ to ‘Separation’.
We wish to read Žižek together, so as to approach the stimulating intersections between philosophy and psychoanalysis, with each operating as the ex-timate core of the other ‘field of engagement’.
Participation fee: 5€ per seminar session