Vortrag in englischer Sprache.
Moderation: Marcus Coelen.Sergio Benvenuto thinks that we are in a third phase of psychoanalysis. The first one consisted of Freud and the pioneers of psychoanalysis, including M. Klein. The second phase saw a restructuring of analytic theory according to philosophical and psychological assumptions different from those of the early Freudians (mainly Lacan, but also Winnicott, Bion. Loewald and others). And in today's boom of psychotherapies, we are witnessing a new way of practicing psychoanalysis, which is focused around the analytic act itself, and includes a mix of different approaches and theories. Psychoanalysis has definitely abandoned its purely medical perspective, as it becomes ever more evident that it is embracing a more ethical-political approach to subjectivity.
▪Sergio Benvenuto, psychoanalyst and philosopher, is a researcher at the Italian Council for Scientific Research. He is a professor of psychoanalysis at the International Institute of Psychology of Depth in Kiev, and teaches in various specialised psychotherapeutic training programs in Italy. He edits the European Journal of Psychoanalysis (http://www.journal-psychoanalysis.eu).
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